Re: How to shell in lynx. And FreePort bugs.

Martin J. Hannigan (
Wed, 5 Apr 1995 15:54:02 -0400

>Lynx on it.  We've had the discussion before, and I don't want
>to rehash it, but this IS a FULL disclosure list.

It is full disclosure..

>> Hey,
>>       I have found a view obscure ways of shelling in Lynx.  This troubles
>>me since i do not want people to be able to shell.  I am running FreePort.
>>It would be great if anyone had information on obscure ways of shelling in
>>lynx beside !.  Also if you have expierence with FreePort any other bugs that
>> let users shell would be helpfull.
>> Thanx alot... :)

Seconded. Much appreciated.

Martin J. Hannigan ( (
Bose Corporation - Engineering Systems
System Adminstrator - Unix/Internet Services
Meeting Director - Boston Computer Society Internet SIG